So how do you do presentation packaging that can be sent mail order?
And what if the product keeps changing and needs to be mailed out monthly by subscription?
Well you could just put it in a big box with lots of padding. Not very special though, and the subscribers will soon get fed up with dealing with all the packaging, not to mention the guilt.

Here's what we created for Microbarbox, a premium subscription cocktails service.
We designed a recyclable cardboard tray with a wide border, which acts as a bumper whilst framing the product. The tray is divided into rows by a card insert with some adjustability to adapt to different size bottles. Large gaps can be taken up by small card boxes (with the added option of using them for nibbles or surprise gifts). There is a minimal amount of polyethlene padding as spacers between bottles and the whole tray is covered with a fluted lid for added cushioning.
So we have added order, sophistication and adaptability to a pack which both protects the product and is recyclable, whilst being compact for mailing.
We'll drink to that!